About Charles Bruen

Cardiac Intensivist, Resuscitationist, Emergentologist. Educator. Doodler. Friend. Most importantly, husband to my wife & superhero to my son.

Anomalous Right Coronary Artery

2016-10-13T18:16:31-05:00November 26th, 2013|Cardiology|

There are congenital variations from the normal coronary artery anatomy that have significant clinical importance. There are many permutations of the origin site and course of the three primary coronary arteries (left anterior descending, left circumflex, and right coronary artery)

What to do with White Powder

2016-10-13T18:16:31-05:00November 6th, 2013|Disaster, Environmental, Infectious Disease|

1. You local fire department responded to an incident at the courthouse where about ¼ teaspoon of white powder spilled from an envelope that contained payment for a parking ticket. What level of decontamination is required for the person handling the letter and those in the room? A

Removing Central Lines

2016-10-13T18:16:33-05:00August 14th, 2013|Procedures|

The placement and maintenance of central venous catheters (CVC), have received a great deal attention with the goal of minimizing iatrogenic injury to the patient and reduction in the occurrence of catheter related infections. Once the need for the catheter is done, careful attention

So it begins… The debate on troponin in the U.S.

2016-10-13T18:16:33-05:00August 11th, 2013|Cardiology|

This is my first official contribution to Resus Review. I wanted to start with a follow up on my recent comment on cardiac troponin. Cardiac biomarkers, particularly troponin, have become an essential tool in the work up of patients with symptoms suggestive of ischemia in which an "AC

Limit troponins to evaluation of cardiac ischemia and ACS

2014-10-16T18:20:46-05:00August 11th, 2013|Cardiology|

Its important to understand that in the US the FDA has not yet approved the high-sensitivity (hs) troponin assays. Therefore we are still talking about the so-called contemporary troponin assays. The current assay is a good test, and the high-sensitivity troponin will have even better

Media Relations during Disaster Situations

2016-10-13T18:16:33-05:00July 17th, 2013|Disaster|

Without notice even the smallest EDs can be thrust into the limelight after a disaster. As a physician leader, handling public relations represents its own challenge during a time of crisis. We will share with you some simple tips and precautions of dealing with the media after a mass casualty situation.