Talking Death: Best Ways to Convey the Worst

Outline Presentation


Selected References (Key Readings)

  1. Bailey, et al. Trajectories of End-of-Life Care in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med 2011;57:362.
  2. KE Steinhauser, et al. Factors Considered Important at the End of Life by Patients, Family, Physicians, and Other Care Providers. JAMA 2000;284:2476.
  3. JR Curtis and DB White. Practical Guidance for Evidence-Based ICU Family Conferences. Chest 2008 October;134(4):835.
  4. JR Lunney, et al. Patterns of Functional Decline at the End of Life. JAMA 2003;289:2387.
  5. JE Nelson, et al. Family Meetings Made Simpler: A Toolkit for the ICU. J Crit Care. 2009 December;24(4):626.e7.
  6. EB Gay, et al. The intensive care unit family meeting: Making it happen. J Crit Care 2009 December;24(4):629.e1.
  7. TR Fried, et al. Understanding the treatment preferences of seriously ill patients. N Engl J Med 2002;346:1061.
  8. SM Mierendorf, et al. Palliative Care in the Emergency Department. Permanente Journal, Spring 2014;18(2):77.
  9. Atul Gawande. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End. Metropolitan Books, 2014. Print.



Cardiac Arrest and Shock in 2018

Outline Presentation


Selected References (Key Readings)

  1. Nolan JP, Omato JP, et al. Resuscitation Highlights in 2017. Resuscitation Journal.
  2. Jabre et al. Early Identification of Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest with No Chance of Survival and Consideration for Organ Donation. Annals of Internal Medicine 2016;165:770.
  3. Dumas et al. Emergency PCI in Post–Cardiac Arrest Patients without ST-Segment Elevation Pattern: Insights From the PROCAT II Registry. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 2016.
  4. Kirkegaard, et al. Targeted Temperature Management for 48 vs 24 Hours and Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2017;318(4):318.
  5. Kudenchuck et al. Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. NEJM 2016;374;1711.
  6. Khana et al. Early coronary angiography in patients resuscitated from out of hospital cardiac arrest without ST-segment elevation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Resuscitation 121 (2017) 127–134.
  7. PS Chan, RA Berg, Y Tang, et al. Association Between Therapeutic Hypothermia and Survival After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. JAMA 2016;316(13):1375.
  8. Khanna A, English SW, Wang XS, et al. Angiotensin II for the Treatment of Vasodilatory Shock. N Engl J Med. 2017 Aug 3;377(5):419-430.
  9. CB Overgaard and V Dzavik. Inotropes and Vasopressors: Review of Physiology and Clinical Use in Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation 2008;118:1047.
  10. Annane D, et al. Hydrocortisone plus Fludrocortisone for Adults with Septic Shock. N Engl J Med. 2018. 378(9):809.
  11. Jentzer et al. Pharmacotherapy Update on the Use of Vasopressors and Inotropes in the Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2015, Vol 20(3):249.
  12. van Diepen, et al. Contemporary Management of Cardiogenic Shock. Circulation 2017;136:e232.
  13. Jentzer et al. Management of Refractory Vasodilatory Shock. Chest 2018.
  14. Marik PE, Khangoora V, Rivera R, Hooper MH, Catravas J. Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Retrospective Before-After Study. Chest 2017;151(6):1229.
  15. Cardenas-Garcia J, Schaub KF, Belchikov YG, et al. Safety of Peripheral Intravenous Administration of Vasoactive Medication. J Hosp Med. 2015; 10:581-585.
  16. Loubani OM, Green RS. A Systematic Review of Extravasation and Local Tissue Injury from Administration of Vasopressors through Peripheral Intravenous Catheters and Central Venous Catheters. J Crit Care. 2015; 30:e9-e17.
  17. Reynolds PM, MacLaren R, Mueller SW, et al. Management of Extravasation Injuries: A Focused Evaluation of Noncytotoxic Medications. Pharmacotherapy. 2014; 34:617-632.