Practical bedside topics in cardiology including ECG interpretation, hemodynamics, coronary angiography, PCI, and cardiothoracic thoracic.

Arrhythmia masquerading as Cardiac Ischemia

2016-10-13T18:16:43-05:00February 11th, 2013|Cardiology, ECG|

This 45-year-old woman with a medical history which includes medication-controlled essential hypertension, stage 2 chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and a 1 pack-per-day cigarette smoking habit presented to the emergency department with <60 minutes of acute onset

Heyde’s Syndrome

2014-10-17T03:07:14-05:00February 11th, 2013|Cardiology|

Critical aortic stenosis limits cardiac output and can be life-threatening in patients who develop significant anemia. Oxygen delivery to tissues is inadequate. This can be seen in an elderly patient with calcific aortic valves who suffers an acute gastrointestinal bleed such as fr

DDx Troponin Elevation

2013-11-30T00:43:16-06:00June 9th, 2012|Cardiology, DDx|

Our assay sensitivity for troponin has significantly increased, which lowers its specificity. While measurement of troponin levels are a very routine test in acute presentations, a good differential beyond acute coronary syndrome is necessary.